Your Guide to Understanding Digital Currency and How it May Impact You

digital currency

The advent of debit and credit cards and smartphones has made paying for goods and services with cash almost a relic of the past. Let’s face it: there is very little need for paper money anymore. Even your shopping has moved online, so there is even less need for cash payments mailed to sellers.  Even […]

Ep 10: Can Buffer Funds Help During Market Turbulence?

Last year was a very turbulent year in the stock market and many people will look back on 2022 without many good things to say, but some positives emerged out of the turbulence. Today we’ll share one of those for us and that was our exposure to Innovator Funds.

Ep 5: Annuities 101 – Everything You Need to Know

Since annuities are one of the more polarizing financial products out there, let’s take a step back and look at what annuities do and what options are out there. Then we’ll evaluate the pros and cons so you can start forming your own opinion.

Ep 4: Navigating a Potential Recession

Depending on who you talk to, we’re either quickly approaching a recession or we’re already in one. Either way, there’s been a significant pullback in the economy this year and we wanted to help ease your mind about what to expect during times like these.