Do You Have a Retirement Withdrawal Strategy?

retirement planning roseville

Retirement marks a significant transition from accumulating wealth to preserving it to support your lifestyle without a predictable income from an employer or business. Once retired, you’ll begin relying on different income sources, such as retirement savings, Social Security, and investments. As you start drawing on your savings, hopefully, you have already determined a retirement […]

The 60/40 Portfolio: Does It Hold Up Today?

60/40 Portfolio

The 60/40 strategy, which involves investing 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds, has long been a go-to for risk-averse investors. But does this approach still hold its ground in today’s fast-paced market? Stay tuned as we explore the past, present, and future of this investment strategy and determine whether it’s still a cornerstone of wealth management or if it’s time to adapt to new realities.

Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Impact of Social Security Benefits

Social Security benefits

If you are nearing retirement or are retired, congratulations on your accomplishment! It’s an exciting time as you prepare for the next stage of your life without the daily pressure of commuting to work. Assuming you are 65, you should consider when to take your Social Security benefits as you consider and plan for retirement. […]

Late Start Saving? Three Ways to Save More for Your Retirement

retirement planning roseville

Are you concerned you might have gotten a late start on your retirement savings? You’re not alone. Over 60% of Americans feel they are lagging in their retirement savings efforts. The good news? It’s never too late to start saving for your financial future.  In our blog, we’ll look at various ways you can begin […]

How a Financial Compass Can Help Pursue Your Retirement Goals

retirement planning roseville

Think of a financial compass, or roadmap, as part of a comprehensive plan that guides you through various stages of life. This roadmap should identify your current financial circumstances and your long-term financial goals. Having a roadmap is especially important as you near retirement. Why? It should serve as a guide to help you make […]

The Great Pension Shift: From Guaranteed Gold Watches to DIY Retirement

retirement planning roseville

Remember your grandparents boasting about their “golden parachute” – the generous company pension plan waiting for them at retirement? Today, that picture is fading fast. The remaining recipients are government workers. Corporate America has shifted gears, leaving many wondering: where’s the safety net in this new retirement paradigm? It’s not just you feeling the impact […]

How to Prepare for the 2023 Tax Filing Season

2023 tax filing season

It’s hard to believe it will be time to file 2023 taxes in two months. As Roseville financial advisors, we help individuals and families manage their finances and create tax-efficient investment strategies that can help ease the pain of tax season. Our article includes a few tips you can use to ensure you are maximizing […]

The Power of Compounding Interest Returns and Your Retirement Plan

wealth management roseville

Albert Einstein once marveled at the power of compounding returns, even calling them the “eighth wonder of the world.” Think of compounding returns like a snowball rolling down a hill. As it gathers speed and momentum, it gets larger with each rotation. This analogy can be very useful, especially when saving for retirement. Over time, […]

The Unique Retirement Landscape For Generation X

If you’re a Gen Xer, born between 1965 and 1980, you might be starting to think about how you are going to transition into retirement. Not only does this shift require you to reimagine what your lifestyle is going to look like, but it’s also critical to have a clear understanding of your financial landscape as you approach this important milestone.

How To Potentially Avoid Three Major Retirement Planning Mistakes

retirement planning roseville

Gone are the days when you could retire to a rocking chair at age 65 and live a few more years. Given that lifespans have increased significantly over the past 20 years due to medical advances and improved lifestyles, having a comprehensive retirement plan for living to age 100 should be high on your priority […]